Monday, June 27, 2011

Office Decorating Ideas Reflect Business Goals

When I first started my public relations firm, the last thing on my mind was office decorating ideas. Instead, I was worried about loans, hiring quality employees, making payroll, and other important aspects of running a small business. The wall stayed white, and the entire office lacked style and personality. One day, after seeing the office of another PR firm, I decided to design the office to reflect the goals of the business.
I did not realize how important it is to make the decor consistent with the business. After a little research on office decorating ideas and interior decorating, I understand why employees' surroundings have an effect on their work performance. Just like a person's home should reflect their personality, so should their office.
I began by thinking of design ideas based on the public relations industry. One of the things that set my company apart from other PR firms is our collaborative spirit. We use think-tanks and brainstorms on a daily basis, so it was important to me to reflect this in my interior decorating plan. I put big leather couches in empty space in the back of the office to create a casual atmosphere that promotes ideas flowing freely during brainstorms.
My PR firm is known for thinking outside of the box in terms of ideas for attracting the media. The bland and boring decor in the office was not reflecting this at all. I decided to use modern, bold colors to reflect the marketing style of the company. People who visited the office were impressed by the exciting workplace decorating techniques I used to reflect the goals of the business.
Since then, employees seem to be more motivated to work because they are inspired by their surroundings. Make sure your office decorating ideas do not interfere with the productivity and efficiency of the company. Instead, they should enhance employees' output for an overall more successful and more enjoyable workday.

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