Monday, August 22, 2011

What is an Interior Decorator?

For those of you who believe it's time for a change, a great choice would be to go for redecoration of the space you spend most of your time in. This might be fun and could give you the feeling of a fresh new start. You could choose to this yourself, but you might not get the results that you've hoped for.
So, if you've ever dreamed of making your home look like it was cut out of a magazine, an interior decorator is the right answer for you. This person can redesign interiors and make them more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. The first step is to try and find an interior decorator with great references. Ask your friends and relatives, it is very likely they can give you some directions.
Don't be afraid that you might not be happy with the outcome! In fact, you should know that an interior decorator will always start by trying to understand the client?s taste and needs. This step is very important and cannot be overlooked. All decisions have to be commonly agreed upon before any change is done.
With the use of creativity, trends, inspirational ideas, the interior decorator will make a plan for the new design concept. This concept revolves around a consistent style or theme used throughout the room to create the feeling of completeness. Defining the concept also means choosing appropriate color pallets for paint, furniture, carpets, blinds, curtains and much more. All these elements must be suitable for the interior architecture.
An important part of the whole concept is the color of the paint. This is due to the fact that it has a great influence on perception of interior space, but also on moods. For example, lighter colors will give the impression of more space, while darker ones might make the room seem smaller. Bright colors such as yellow and orange always lift your spirit up and colors like blue and green are considered to be relaxing. So, in order to pick an appropriate color, it must be taken into consideration whether the room is a bedroom, a living room or an office.

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