Friday, March 4, 2011

Home Office Decor

Home office decor can be found in any multitude of outlets. The success of your office remodel lies in how well you can conceptualize the look of any particular home office decor item. In most cases, the people that I see that wish to undergo a majoy home office decoration project fall into two camps. There are the people who have difficultly visualizing the look of a newly designed office and there are those that can literally see the finished product in their minds.
Because you are reading my blog it is somewhat safe to assume that you have some design instincts so to speak. Hopefully, you know what I mean. So just because you know what you want the finished office, your “new” office, to look like, you still have to take certain steps to ensure that you secure the right home office decor.
First, what exactly do we mean when we speak of home office decor? It, quite simply, is the elements of your work space that make up the look of the room. In most home offices you will find furniture, likely a desk and desk chair perhaps a sofa or chairs, you will also find accent pieces like lamps, clocks, and tabletop accessories, but there is more to your office’s decor that that. The walls and floors are key components as well.
The mistake I see so many people make when brainstorming office decorating ideas is to focus on the furniture and accent pieces while essentially forgetting about the walls and floors. The floors are a particularly grievious offender. Remember that a new office design will likely require a new floor rug. It’s a mistake that people often make when designing their home office.
Now, the question of your home office decor inevitably returns to your budget and vision for the office. The budget is fairly self explanatory while the vision refers to what look you want the finished product to take on. I know that in my case, when I redecorated my home office, I took a sem-modern workspace and transformed it, with the help of a few high-end antiques, into the type of Victorian drawing room that Virginia Woolf would have been proud of.
I not only love the aesthetic look that my home office brings to the table, it is very functional as well. I do a tremendous amount of high quality work there. And it’s not just a little different. In my new office I am probably 25% more productive — though occasionally I do become enamored with some of the accent pieces that I chose to decorate the room with.
All in all, I can not overstate how much better I feel working in an office that fits my personality to a T. It absolutely makes a difference. And why does it fit my personality so well? Because I am the one who selected the home office decor. I picked out the pieces myself and I chose carefully and therefore chose well.
A final word on budget. Most high end retailers of office decor have had a rough couple of years. They are really desperate for a sale in many, if not most, cases. Be a savy shopper and take advantage of this. Chances are you can get significant discounts on the merchandise that might have been out of your price range just 6 months ago. It is a great time to remodel your office.
Just remember to visualize what you want your end product to look like. (And if you have trouble doing this why not hire a professional or get your significant other’s opinion.) Because with the right decor your really can make your design dreams for your home office come true. The only word of wisdom is do not let anything but your imagination limit you when choosing your home office decor.
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