Saturday, March 5, 2011

Office Interior Design

Office interior design ideas will no doubt vary depending on your business type and the general architecture and feel of your particular building.  There will be different office interior design for older buildings than for new, modern buildings.
Likewise, your office interior design will vary depending on your business.  A bankers office design is not going to be the same as that of a photographers.   The one common thread between office interior design that transends all building types and business types, however, is the fact that you do not want too much clutter.  Instead, you should strive to have space that will allow you to work both comfortably and efficiently.
In today’s post, we are going to look at the tranquility of liquid in your office.   One element of your office interior design could incorporate the soothing aspect of water.  The other element we will look at is the functionality of liquid dispensers in your office.  You can incorporate these ideas into any office interior design, and they will be a most welcome addition.
An aquarium with a large unusual fish could be a nice, yet tranquil addition to your office interior.  Another of our office decorating ideas is to incorporate a small fountain in your decor.  Either of these design ideas could add some tranquility to your office space.
If you have a traditional style office, you could also add a couple plants in the aquarium.  Instead of one large fish, a few smaller fish with interseting traits could add a little spark.  Angel fish are great fish that come in many colors and also fit well in most traditional offices.
An often overlooked aspect when coming up with office interior design ideas is refreshments for staff and clients.  Coffee machines, soda machines, tea, hot water, etc. can offer many different and interesting ideas for your interior decor.
Look for dispensers that fit with the overall feel of your office space, while maintaining praticality.  Not only will it add to your office ambiance, but it will also be welcomed by your clients looking for some refreshment.
Check back in, we will be looking at many more office interior design ideas in upcoming posts.
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