Friday, July 1, 2011

Interior Decorating Tips - The Perfect Chess Set For Your Personality

Home decorating ideas are basic common sense use of a particular interior decorating theme. This can be in your home, apartment, shared home, or your office. It is fascinating to use a particular theme in your business also. Integrating themes into your home decor ideas are easy with simple steps. Use your chess set as a model to make the theme blend. Work at your own pace and keep your theme goal in mind as you make changes to your decor.
First step is to find out who you are. Understand your likes and dislikes, discover your personality. Use the following words to loosely discover your personality: Frolicsome, Athletic, Cultured. This article discusses the second three personalities of twelve. Use interior decorating tips to blend your favorite theme chess pieces and boards with these personality traits and color combinations.
Frolicsome - A playful nature that is given to joking and teasing in an uplifting manner. Lighthearted and a good sport are characteristic of this personality trait. Picture kittens playing and that is a perfect visual picture of this character trait. A goofy looking chess set, or one that is whimsical, spunky, mischievous, amusing, enjoyable, entertaining and or pleasing. A good prank is always enjoyed and a chess set that would fit this characteristic would make a great gift for this personality and home decor theme.
Colors: Playful colors for home decor and office decor internal decorating ideas are great for developing creativity in children. Imaginations can be developed in the right color settings. Try strawberry pink for parties, blue and yellow and lavender for the legend and fairy tale settings and jungle green for adventures and red and blue for enhancing hero and action themes. Greens make a great soothing theme for quiet times. Good theme chess pieces represent many action and hero themes with legends and stories.
Athletic - The first use of the term sporty dates back to 1889. It is anything involved with sports. This is an easy category for personalities as it is exact and definitive. Think of the styles of sport cars or the opposing aspect, think of the character of sportsmanship. Many or all of the sports are represented in chess set themes so pick one and have fun!
Colors: The decor color themes for this trait could be the color of your favorite sports team. Bright hues that motivate you outside can have great effects in your decor. Use natural tones as neutral colors to maintain a balanced effect. A dark color atmosphere creates a quiet area for relaxation and refreshment. Be creative and the effects will be awesome. Pick a favorite sports chess set with this theme to accent the atmosphere you have created.
Cultured - The personalities that are more seasoned, experience or schooled in the world or human affairs fit into this personality trait. The term worldly was used before the 12th century. Look for chess sets that fit into your characteristic of sophistication, cosmopolitan, urban life, suave, realistic, more down to earth, representing the world. This perspective would be your own, but it would reflect a home decor and blend in well with the decor. Note the descriptions of the chess set for clues that it would make a great fit with your interior decorating scheme.
Colors: Think colors representing different cultures. Use chess sets that mirror those cultures. Spice colors for the Far East, rich exotic hues for exotic lands, hot pepper colors with tropical colors, island sunset colors, ocean colors, the list is endless. This is a great way to get creative; any chess set will easily be a great addition to your room decor when you choose this theme.
Basic point: You will buy from your preferences which have roots in your character. There are so many personality traits that make it great fun to pick the perfect chess set, whether it is for your home, your office, your business or a gift. Cultures, past experiences and interests all add to the concept of developing your personality. Use these interior decorating tips to make your next chess set purchase.

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