Sunday, July 17, 2011

Office Decorating Ideas - Best Places to Display Art

Your office is probably the place where you spend most of your week in. 5 days in a week, nine hours (or more) a day; it's almost like a second home. It is thus important that we at least try to make our office space an attractive and conducive place to work in. To take away the monotonous setting of the typical office, where there're heaps of files and folders stacked everywhere, you can try to use art to spice up the place and make it a little bit more interesting. Read on as this article provides some tips on good places in the office to hang wall art.
Waiting Area
The waiting or reception area is often the first place anyone will see as they walk into the office, so it is important to give a positive impression of the organization. Art work displayed at the waiting area will not only project a good image of the company, but it will also be a welcome treat for any guests who are coming for meetings and presentations. In addition, it also serves to calm the nerves of the anxious applicant waiting for that job interview.
Office Cubicles
The main office area is the place where all the hard work is done. Instead of the usual "motivational" posters to spur the employees to work harder, why not use contemporary wall art prints instead? Looking at abstract art soothes the soul and can be just as inspiring as any motivational message.
Conference Room
The conference room is the place where fierce decision making takes place. Having beautiful art hung on the walls will definitely be a form of stress relief and a source of inspiration as the pressure mounts on the management team to move the organization forward.
The pantry is another interesting location to hang wall art. As you're enjoying a break with your colleagues, sipping your coffee or having a snack, you can feast you eyes at the beautiful artwork on the wall, while also have an interesting conversational topic to talk about.
Let's face it. Finding the right décor for your office can sometimes be a pain. There can never be a perfect working environment. Having beautiful art in the office environment will certainly make your office a more interesting and dynamic place to work in.
Enjoy the art - and your work!

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