Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Trends In Interior Decorating

It is easy to see why you feel so relaxed when you are surrounded by nature. The

colors are calming and it just feels right to commune with this particular

environment. Environmental Decorating is a popular trend that addresses these

feelings to "get back to nature."
Extending this design area into your home or office can easily be done with simple

accessories. Faux textures that resemble marble, stone or granite can set a nice

background for any room with this theme. Look outside your window to see what

palette Mother Earth is offering. Take these colors and use them in wallcovering or

upholstery. Look for patterns that contain vegetables, florals, leaves or fruit.

Combine these items with natural wood or marble flooring. Top it off with wood

blinds and you have created an environment where you can relax and feel embraced

by nature.
Anyone can take responsibility to bring design trends into their home or office. The

trick to having a room that truly looks "put together" is to coordinate items as

simple as your bedspreads, pillows and comforters. Does your wall go with your

tables? Are your blinds complimenting your furniture? They do not have to match.

They do, however, need to compliment each other and give will help to give you a

more professional, "put together" look if you can accomplish this.
Do not be quick to spend money on your interior design. It is easy to look through a

catalog and buy everything you need that might match. It is savvy to find an

accessories store or website where you can pick and choose the items creating a

room that is uniquely about you and the life you lead.
A good way to dive into decorating is by looking at a trend you enjoy such as

Environmental Decorating. Buy one items you truly love and build your ideas around

that one item. Before you know it, you will have additional items that compliment

each other and a theme you truly love. All that is left is enjoy your new environment.

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